QWER - [MANITO] 1st Mini Album FRIEND Version
QWER - [MANITO] 1st Mini Album FRIEND Version
Release Date: April 2, 2024
Contents (per version):
- 1 CD
- 1 Photo Book (64 pages)
- 5 Postcards
- 1 Flip Book (random out of 4 types)
- 1 Folder Poster
- 1 ID Card (random out of 4 types)
- 1 ID Photo (random out of 4 types)
- 1 4-cut Photo (random out of 4 types)
- 1 Message Card (random out of 4 types)
- 1 Sticker
- 1 Photo Card (random out of 3 types)
- 1 Cartoon Poster
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
[Track List]
01. 고민중독
02. SODA
03. 자유선언
04. 지구정복
05. 대관람차
06. 불꽃놀이
07. 마니또
Description (Translated):
1st Mini Album ‘MANITO’The band QWER, who has written their own unique story of 'harmony created from dissonance', has returned with the mini album 'MANITO'. While the first single talked about the process of forming the four members Chodan, Magenta, Hina, and Siyeon with different backgrounds and the team's identity, 'MANITO' is a piece about the inner thoughts of QWER, who experienced a fateful meeting. It is planned to be released as a drama.
“You may have thought it was a coincidence, but it’s all fate.”
Although the process of each of us becoming our own Manitou may be coincidental, our new relationship with each other can be interpreted as a fateful meeting. Looking back, the fateful relationships around us start from small coincidences, such as being in the same class or sitting in the same seat as partners. Furthermore, like the butterfly effect that creates meaningful movement from small flaps of wings, small cogs come together to pioneer their own big destiny. In this album, the members who happened to become each other's manitos aim to present the process of creating one destiny under the name QWER.
Above all, the dramatic composition that takes place in chronological order from day to night, set in a school, stands out, and familiar topics such as feelings for someone you admire, friendship with friends, band activities, and after-school school are intertwined with unique keywords and expressed in the music. . In addition, it is expected that QWER's unique charm will once again be imprinted on the public by consisting of diverse and unique music that is not confined to the frame of a band.
1. Addiction to worry *title
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, GESTURE, Kim Hye-jeong, Elum, Magenta / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, Hong Hoon-ki, Elum, GESTURE, Han A-young / Arranged by Lee Dong-hyuk, Han A-young
“Words I thought about and practiced every day”
Scene #01: Your shimmering appearance when you open your eyes in the morning. And the day begins with a pounding heart. What should I do to get closer to you? Between the hesitation that I can't say because I'm too embarrassed and the expectation that he will look at me, I'm thinking about it once more than I've said a thousand times.
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, ALG, Camgirl, GESTURE, Kwon Ae-jin (MonoTree), Elum / Composed by Big Sancho (Yummy Tone), Sonsiaaa, ALG, Camgirl, Kwon Ae-jin (MonoTree), Heon Seo (Heonseo) / Arranged by Big Sancho ( Yummy Tone), Sonsiaaa
“It’s so thrilling, you’re like SODA who will explode with a pop!”
Scene #02: Break time where everyone is laughing and chatting brightly. When I saw you among my classmates, I thought you were like a soda. That charm that keeps you reaching for it because of the tangy foam. In fact, my heart for you is shaken and on the verge of bursting!
3. Declaration of freedom
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, Elum / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, Hong Hoon-ki, Kim Seung-jun, Elum / Arranged by Hong Hong-ki, Kim Seung-jun
“No matter what, we won’t be able to stop it, shout out the declaration of freedom!”
Scene #03: 5th period, when the sun began to set little by little. Suddenly, I imagine leaving boring classes behind and running away from school with you. I'm scared alone, but I think a reckless challenge with you would be very fun. Let’s go beyond the wall outside the window and shout out the feelings we have been hiding!
4. Conquer the Earth
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, GESTURE, Elum, Magenta, Hong Ji-hye, Lee Si-yeon, HINA / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Seung-jun, GESTURE, Elum, Hong Ji-hye / Arranged by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Seung-jun
“Like I said, well, our goal is!”
Scene #04: The long-awaited after-school club time! For this moment, I can work with you as a member of the band. Even though it may seem clumsy, confidence is the best. With this momentum, it might even be possible to conquer Earth?!
5. Ferris wheel
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Hye-jeong / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, Elum, Kim Seung-jun, GESTURE, Hong Ji-hye / Arranged by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Seung-jun
“I’m going beyond today to meet you tomorrow.”
Scene #05: On the way back home with the band members after finishing the ensemble, the sunset is slowly setting in the sky. Thank you for adding the newness of being together to the repetitive days. Stop for a moment and look at the sun greeting us tomorrow.
6. Fireworks
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Hye-jeong / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, Hong Hoon-ki, Anchor, GESTURE, Elum / Arranged by Lee Dong-hyuk
“Make Our Highlight!”
Scene #06: At night, when dusk had disappeared, I suddenly heard the sound of firecrackers lighting up the sky. Can I take this moment to say what I wanted to say? The time we spent together was just a fleeting moment, but I want you to keep it as a forever memory.
7. Manito
Lyrics by Lee Dong-hyuk, Kim Hye-jeong, Hong Ji-hye, Elum / Composed by Lee Dong-hyuk, 623, Elum, Hong Ji-hye / Arranged by Lee Beom-hoon
“Yeah, I like you too”
Epilogue: Actually, I was watching you. You don’t know how happy I was to have you join the band. Our first meeting may have been a coincidence, but I think our current relationship is a fate we forged together. Because I was your manito too.
Description (Original):
1st Mini Album 'MANITO''불협화음에서 만들어낸 하모니'라는 그들만의 독특한 스토리를 써 내려갔던 밴드 QWER이 미니 앨범 'MANITO'로 돌아왔다. 첫 싱글에서는 각기 다른 출신의 배경을 가진 멤버 쵸단, 마젠타, 히나, 시연 넷의 결성까지의 과정과 팀의 아이덴티티를 이야기했다면, 'MANITO'에서는 운명과도 같은 만남을 경험한 QWER의 속마음을 한 편의 드라마로 풀어나갈 예정이다.
"우연인 줄 알았겠지만, 이 모든 게 운명이야"
우리들이 각자의 마니또가 되는 과정은 우연일지라도, 새롭게 이어지는 서로 간의 관계는 운명적인 만남으로 해석할 수 있다. 돌이켜보면 우리 주변의 운명 같은 인연들은 같은 반이 된 것, 짝이 되어 같은 자리에 앉게 된 것 등 작은 우연에서부터 시작된다. 나아가 작은 날갯짓으로부터 의미 있는 움직임을 만들어내는 나비효과처럼, 조그마한 톱니바퀴들이 모여 그들만의 커다란 운명을 개척해 나가기도 한다. 이번 앨범에서 우연히 서로의 마니또가 된 멤버들은 QWER이라는 이름 아래 하나의 운명을 만들어가는 과정을 선사하고자 한다.
무엇보다 학교를 배경으로 하여 낮부터 밤까지 시간순으로 일어나는 드라마틱한 구성이 돋보이며, 동경하는 이를 향한 마음, 친구들과의 우정, 밴드부 활동, 방과 후의 학교 등 친숙한 주제들을 독특한 키워드와 엮어 음악 속에 풀어냈다. 더불어 밴드라는 틀에 갇히지 않는 다양하고 개성 넘치는 음악들로 구성하여, 대중들에게 QWER만의 매력을 다시 한번 각인시킬 것으로 기대를 모은다.
1. 고민중독 *title
Lyrics by 이동혁, GESTURE, 김혜정, Elum, 마젠타 / Composed by 이동혁, 홍훈기, Elum, GESTURE, 한아영 / Arranged by 이동혁, 한아영
"매일 고민하고 연습했던 말"
Scene#01 : 아침에 눈을 뜨면 아른거리는 너의 모습. 그리고 두근거리는 마음과 함께 시작되는 하루. 너와 가까워지려면 어떻게 해야 할까? 쑥스러워 말 못 하는 망설임과 날 봐줄 거라는 기대감 사이, 난 천 번 하고도 한 번 더 고민 중이야.
Lyrics by 이동혁, ALG, Camgirl, GESTURE, 권애진 (MonoTree), Elum / Composed by 빅싼초 (Yummy Tone), Sonsiaaa, ALG, Camgirl, 권애진 (MonoTree), Heon Seo (헌서) / Arranged by 빅싼초 (Yummy Tone), Sonsiaaa
"너무 짜릿해 Pop! 하고 터져버릴 SODA 같은 너"
Scene#02 : 모두가 화창하게 웃고 떠드는 쉬는 시간. 같은 반 친구들 속에서 너를 보면 탄산음료 같다는 생각을 했어. 톡 쏘는 거품 때문에 자꾸 손이 가는 그 매력 말야. 사실 너를 향한 내 마음도 흔들려 터지기 일보 직전이야!
3. 자유선언
Lyrics by 이동혁, Elum / Composed by 이동혁, 홍훈기, 김승준, Elum / Arranged by 홍훈기, 김승준
"웬만해선 막을 수 없을걸, 외쳐 자유선언!"
Scene#03 : 해가 조금씩 기울기 시작한 5교시. 문득 따분한 수업을 뒤로하고 너와 학교 밖으로 도망가는 상상을 하곤 해. 혼자서는 두렵지만 너와 함께하는 무모한 도전은 무척이나 즐거울 것 같아. 창문 밖 담벼락을 넘어 그동안 숨겨왔던 마음들을 외쳐보자!
4. 지구정복
Lyrics by이동혁, GESTURE, Elum, 마젠타, 홍지혜, 이시연, HINA / Composed by 이동혁, 김승준, GESTURE, Elum, 홍지혜 / Arranged by 이동혁, 김승준
"말했다시피 뭐, 우리 목표는 말야!"
Scene#04 : 기다리던 방과 후 동아리 시간! 이 순간만큼은 밴드부의 일원으로 너와 호흡을 맞출 수 있지. 어설퍼 보일지라도 자신감 하나만큼은 최고인걸. 이 기세라면 지구 정복도 가능할지도?!
5. 대관람차
Lyrics by 이동혁, 김혜정 / Composed by 이동혁, Elum, 김승준, GESTURE, 홍지혜 / Arranged by 이동혁, 김승준
"오늘 너머 내일의 너를 만나러 가고 있어"
Scene#05 : 합주를 마치고 밴드원들과 함께 집으로 돌아가는 길, 하늘에는 뉘엿뉘엿 노을이 지고 있어. 반복되는 하루들에 함께라는 새로움을 더해줘서 고마워. 잠시 멈춰 서서 내일의 우리를 만나기 위해 인사하는 저 태양을 봐.
6. 불꽃놀이
Lyrics by 이동혁, 김혜정 / Composed by 이동혁, 홍훈기, Anchor, GESTURE, Elum / Arranged by 이동혁
"Make Our Highlight!"
Scene#06 : 땅거미가 사라진 밤, 갑자기 하늘을 수놓는 폭죽 소리가 들렸어. 이 순간을 빌어 내가 하고 싶었던 말을 전할 수 있을까? 우리가 함께한 시간은 찰나의 순간이지만 영원한 추억으로 간직했으면 해.
7. 마니또
Lyrics by 이동혁, 김혜정, 홍지혜, Elum / Composed by 이동혁, 623, Elum, 홍지혜 / Arranged by 이범훈
“그래, 나 역시 네가 좋아”
Epilogue : 사실 나는 널 지켜보고 있었어. 너가 밴드부에 들어오게 되어 얼마나 기뻤는지 몰라. 첫 만남은 우연일지 몰라도, 지금 우리의 관계는 서로가 함께 만들어간 운명이라고 생각해. 나도 너의 마니또였으니까.
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
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- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
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Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
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