Release Date: March 8, 2024
Contents (per version):
- 6 CDs
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Track List
01. Sunrise
02. Wind
03. Coming Home
04. Breathing
05. Suicide Anthem
06. From Hair to Eternity
07. Mr Fairy
08. Lachrymal Canal
09. Stare to Dare
10. Emotion in Motion
11. Angels of #308
12. March
Track List
01. Tell Me a Lie
02. The House I Loved
03. Happy Birthday
04. See You on the Other Side
05. Kite
06. What Time Does to Us
07. Adobe
08. I'm Coming Home 09 Maybe
Track List
01. 백수의 과로사 (Death of an Overworking Jobless)
02. 공항 (Airport)
03. 홍옥 (The Ruby-Red Apple)
04. 어른 (The Grown-Up)
05. 찰나 (The Fleeting Moment)
06. Vagabond
07. 봄 (Spring)
08. 상자 (Boxes)
09. 거인 (The Giant)
Track List
01. Today
02. Dick's Daughter
03. Time 2 Cry
04. Anti-Social
06. Don't Promise Me
07. Genie
08. Clouds and Heaven
09. Crazy Strange Love
10. Peace of Mind
Track List
01. War
02. 은과 네온과 유황의 시 AgNeS
03. Roadkill
04. Strangers in Heaven
05. Marionette
06. Lake
07. Oando
08. This Beat
09. All the Saints
10. Finally
Track List
01. No Country for Young Man
02. Strain
04. Crossing
05. REDs!
06. Fever Land
07. Fascists
08. I, Failure
09. Revolution Anthem
10. Screaming
Description (Translated):
* A huge album with a total of 4 hours in length, 60 songs across more than 6 genres, including all original new songs.* Premium 3-layer Digi-Book package consisting of a 48-page booklet, 6 CDs, and dust cover
* One-Man-Made production throughout the entire process, including song writing/composition/arrangement/singing/performance/recording/mixing/mastering/package design
* 5 years of production, differentiated mastering tailored to take advantage of the characteristics of CD media
* Album size: 141(mm)x193(mm)x24(mm)
* Limited 100 Copies
One-man indie band 'JIMMY STRAIN''s 4th album that will leave a mark in the history of Korean popular music: the first self-titled album 'JIMMY STRAIN' containing 61 new songs spanning more than 6 genres.
He released his first EP in 2007 and released a full-length album the following year.
Part 1: “Breathing” - This is a collection of pieces composed only of piano duet pieces. By playing two pianos simultaneously, the theme is sometimes expressed like a movie, sometimes like a story.
Part 2: “Tell Me a Lie” - This part is filled with folk and soft rock numbers with English lyrics. It has excellent composition and arrangement skills and a raw sound.
Part 3: “Vagabond” - Regarding singer-songwriters rooted in poetry where the beauty of the Korean language shines, Professor Woohyuk Choi of Baekseok University praised the song as “overwhelming the listener.”
Part 4: “Dick's Daughter” - Sympathy and comfort for those living in the same era, sometimes exciting, sometimes epic and lyrical, forming a rainbow of music.
Part 5: “Strangers In Heaven” - This is rock for the youth of this generation who become roadkill on the road to competition, give up love because they have no money, and become strangers every day.
Part 6: “Screaming” - This is a heavy metal part that deals with the reality that improvement and reform end up as a pipe dream.
“This album doesn’t define me in just one direction. There is lyricism, but there is also hopeless reality, and while not ignoring the hopeless reality, at the same time, it does not let go of its promise for the future. It is a compilation in the true sense of the word, beyond the format of a genre. In his article, literary critic Shin Hyeong-cheol defined the best literature as “a work that you can never return to before reading it.” It's not just literature. In terms of music, I am convinced that this work by Jimmy Strain deserves to be chosen." - <Bae Cheol-soo's Music Camp> writer/music critic Bae Sun-tak
"From New Age to ballads to electronica and metal, like an ascetic wanderer making a pilgrimage to all the lands of music, bearing the cross of the world's sorrow, love, anguish, and hope, and ultimately climbing over the cliff of the absolute ideal of Dada, his tearful love for music Pure energy sends cool spring water to fill the land of our dry souls.”
- Designer/film director: Jeon Sang-il (band Next, artist Shin Hae-cheol cover art)
“I always wondered if he only wrote English lyrics, but the ability to express Korean lyrics in the third chapter was quite overwhelming as it seemed to show all of Jimmy Strain’s musical achievements so far in one place. There were 70's folk music, especially songs with a Nick Drake feel, and sounds from the heyday of hard rock, so it was friendly and nice to hear. “It was nice to see more and more diverse music in the back pages, and it’s hard to imagine how much time and effort went into it.” - Professor Choi Woo-hyuk, Department of Culture and Arts, Baekseok University
"It's bold and amazing. In a market where singles are the trend and regular albums are released in groups of several songs, Jimmy Strain presents a masterpiece consisting of six full albums. A whopping six albums, an unprecedented feat in the history of Korean popular music. The fact that he produced such a vast amount of work by himself is amazing. It is said that it took 5 years to create the album, from the planning stage to the final completion. It feels even more amazing when I think about the intense work he put in every day for that long period of time. . With its unprecedented volume and solid substance, the album already has a high value. In addition, the artist's persistent and earnest efforts are reflected in every detail, so it cannot help but shine. It deserves praise."
- Popular music critic Han Dong-yoon
“It’s been quite a while since I’ve been so focused on an album like this.”
- Professor Seok Jeong-hyeon, Department of Webtoon Illustration, Gyeonggi University of Science and Technology (webtoon “Shaman”, cover art for band Novasonic)
Description (Original):
* 전곡 창작 신곡의 6개 이상의 장르를 넘나드는 60곡, 총 4시간 길이의 초대형 앨범* 48페이지 북클릿, 6CD, 더스트 커버 구성의 최고급 3단 Digi-Book 패키지
* 전곡 작사/작곡/편곡/노래/연주/녹음/믹싱/마스터링/패키지 디자인 등 전 과정 One-Man-Made 방식 제작
* 무려 5년의 제작기간, CD 매체의 특성을 살린 맟춤 방식의 차별화된 마스터링
* 앨범 사이즈: 141(mm)x193(mm)x24(mm)
* Limited 100 Copies
원맨 인디밴드 '지미 스트레인'의 한국 대중음악사에 한 획으로 남을 4집 : 6개 이상의 장르를 아우르는 61곡의 신곡이 수록된 최초의 셀프타이틀 음반 'JIMMY STRAIN'
2007년 첫 EP를 발표하고, 이듬해부터 정규앨범
파트1: “Breathing” - 피아노 2중주 연주곡들로만 이루어진 소품집입니다. 두 대의 피아노를 동시에 연주하여 때로는 영화처럼, 때로는 이야기처럼 주제를 표현합니다.
파트2: “Tell Me a Lie” - 영어 가사 포크와 소프트 록 넘버들로 채워진 파트입니다. 뛰어난 작, 편곡 실력과 날 것 같은 사운드를 들려줍니다.
파트3: “Vagabond” - 우리말의 아름다움이 빛을 발하는 시(詩)가 뿌리내린 싱어송라이팅에 관하여, 백석대학교 최우혁 교수는 “듣는 이를 압도하는” 모습이라고 극찬하였습니다.
파트4: “Dick's Daughter” - 동시대를 살아가는 이들을 위한 공감과 위로, 때로는 신나게 때로는 서사적이고 서정적으로 음악의 무지개를 이룹니다.
파트5: “Strangers In Heaven” - 경쟁의 길 위에서 로드킬 당하고, 돈이 없어 사랑도 포기하며, 매일 이방인이 되는 이 시대 젊은이들을 위한 록입니다.
파트6: “Screaming” - 개선과 개혁이 몽상으로 끝나는 현실을 다룬 헤비메탈 파트입니다.
“이 앨범은 단일한 방향으로만 저 자신을 정의하지 않는다. 서정이 있는가 하면, 절망적인 현실이 있고, 절망적인 현실을 외면하지 않으면서 동시에 미래를 향한 약속의 끈을 놓지 않는다. 장르라는 형식을 넘어선, 진정한 의미에서의 집대성이다. 문학평론가 신형철은 자신의 글에서 최고의 문학을 “읽기 전으로는 결코 돌아갈 수 없는 작품”이라고 정의했다. 비단 문학만은 아닐 것이다. 음악 쪽에서는 바로 이 작품, 지미 스트레인의 이 꼽혀야 마땅하다고 확신한다." - <배철수의 음악캠프>작가/음악평론가 배순탁
"뉴에이지에서 발라드를 지나 일렉트로니카와 메탈까지, 음악의 모든 대지를 순례하는 고행의 방랑자처럼 세상의 슬픔과 사랑과 번민과 희망의 십자가를 지고 끝내 다다를 절대적인 이상의 절벽 위로 기어오르는 그의 음악에 대한 눈물겨운 사랑과 순수한 에너지는 우리네 마른 영혼의 땅 가득 시원한 샘물을 보내준다.“
- 디자이너/영화감독: 전상일 (밴드 넥스트, 아티스트 신해철 커버아트)
“늘 영어 가사만 쓰는가 싶었는데 세 번째 장에서 보여준 한글 가사 표현 능력은 지미 스트레인의 지금까지 음악적 성취를 한자리에 다 보여주는 듯해서 상당히 압도당했다. 70년대 포크 음악, 특히 Nick Drake 같은 느낌의 곡들도 있고 하드락 전성기 시절의 사운드도 들려서 정감 있고 반갑기도 했다. 뒷장으로 갈수록 더 다양한 음악들이 있어서 좋았고, 얼마나 많은 시간과 노력이 들어갔을지 상상조차 어렵다.” - 백석대학교 문화예술학부 최우혁 교수
"대담하며 대단하다. 싱글이 대세가 되고 정규 앨범도 몇 곡씩 끊어서 발표하는 것이 경향으로 자리 잡은 시장에서 지미 스트레인은 여섯 장의 풀 앨범으로 구성된 대작을 선보인다. 무려 여섯 장, 한국 대중음악사 초유의 일이다. 혼자서 이런 방대한 양의 작품을 제작했다는 사실이 경이로울 따름이다. 기획 단계부터 최종 완성까지 앨범을 만드는 데 5년이 걸렸다고 한다. 그 긴 세월 동안 하루하루를 치열하게 보냈을 것을 생각하니 더 대단하게 느껴진다. 유례없는 어마어마한 양과 탄탄한 내실로 앨범은 이미 높은 가치를 갖는다. 거기에 아티스트의 끈덕지고 진중한 노력이 곳곳에 깃들어 있으니 광채가 날 수밖에 없다. 찬사를 들어 마땅하다.“
- 대중음악평론가 한동윤
"이렇게 한 앨범에게 집중적으로 신세를 진 것은 꽤 오래간만의 일이다.“
- 경기과학기술대학교 웹툰일러스트학과 석정현 교수 (웹툰 ”무당“, 밴드 노바소닉 커버아트)
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
- Worldwide Standard: Korea Post (K-packet)
- US Standard: USPS (forwarded by ECMS)
- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
Customs Duties and Taxes
Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
Incomplete or Incorrect Shipping Address
Providing a complete shipping address, including the house number or apartment room number, is crucial as packages may get lost in transit without this information. Please note that if the package is lost due to an incomplete or incorrect shipping address provided by you, the responsibility lies with you.