Sim Gyuseon Lucia - [Body & Heart] Mini Album RANDOM Version
Sim Gyuseon Lucia - [Body & Heart] Mini Album RANDOM Version
Release Date: May 18, 2018
Contents (per version):
- CD
- 36p Photobook
- 1p Photocard
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Track List
01. Soulmate
02. 너의 꽃말
03. 안
04. 지는 싸움
05. Naked
06. 소년에게
07. Soulmate (Inst.)
08. 너의 꽃말 (Inst.)
09. 안 (Inst.)
10. 지는 싸움 (Inst.)
11. Naked (Inst.)
12. 소년에게 (Inst.)
Description (Translated):
If the tears melt and flow outward, it is rather good.However, there are also tears that cannot do that and only flow inside.
As the lyrics of <To the Boy> say, we 'learned to be patient before we knew how to cry'.
All the while, I tried to sing a song that would become a channel for secret sadness. As long as the song opened the waterway, no matter how 'long-suppressed' it was, it would 'overflow over the embankment'.
So my songs were often wet. It was exhausting because I didn't know the easy way, but at least I wanted to be worth it. Even though it was harsh, it was meaningful and I was willing to do it through all the past albums. Every year like that, 8 years passed.
I haven't accomplished much in that time, but it's amazing what a clear solidarity has built between you and me. It's amazing that we can feel each other so clearly through a song. So I wrote and called again and again. 'Even if you stumble like a wreck', hoping that you will reach in front of you and keep tapping on your 'inside'.
While working on <Body and Mind>, I thought about healing more than ever before.
If I had to choose between healing and receiving healing, everyone would definitely choose the latter, but having lived in this for a long time, I realized that they are exactly the same.
I think of you who have been with my songs for a long time.
You used to say to me affectionately, 'Thank you for singing'. With the warmth of those words, I walked out of the mud several times. But I was ashamed of that kindness for a long time. How can I explain, that I shed more tears than you did, and received more consolation as I shouted songs to you. In an incomprehensible way, we hugged each other for so long.
Now, what should I fill in the place where I poured out the tears that were pooling?
We cannot live with an empty heart; we must find something to aspire to. There aren't many things that bring the body and mind that are moving away from each other every day into one.
I dream of a scene in which you love someone so deeply that you are excited by the heat on this lazy spring night.
With a mind that has become so light that 'it is difficult to stand with both feet on the ground' while 'floating on the clouds and losing gravity'. If there is no one to love in front of you right now, at least that heart can be in full bloom. When the moment comes when you feel 'this is love', at least so that you don't hesitate. I drew you with all my might, who can inspire a suffering lover and say, 'You don't need that much to be happy.' Then my body and mind were full.
Body and mind are undoubtedly things that make up myself, but I noticed that neither of them can be myself in the true sense. The title of this album is <Body and Mind>, but in fact, I want to talk about and reveal something in between. Something that obviously exists but has never been named, that everyone knows but cannot explain. It's not the heartbeat, but what exists in that 'beat sound'. I hope that something dwells in my songs, albeit weakly.
I often think My song and you 'we barely arrived here shooting at each other like arrows'. I don't dream of having my songs heard by everyone. May it fully reach you in need. May it be fully used at the moment of need. That's what I want, and that's already enough for me.
All Composed & Lyric by Kyusun Shim
1 Soulmate
Arranged by Xion Yang
Drum Sanghoon Lee / Bass Byeongcheol Ahn / Guitar Pilseon Hong / Piano Jihoon Choi
Chorus Hyosu Kim
2 your flower language
Arranged by Xion Yang
Drum Sanghoon Lee / Bass Byeongcheol Ahn / Guitar Pilseon Hong / Piano Jihoon Choi
violins Park Seung-gyeong Joo Young-hae / viola Hong Ji-hee / cello Jeong Hye-rim
Organ Choi Jihoon
Chorus Hyosu Kim
3 inside
Arranged by KISSMAKER
Piano Choi Ji-hoon
Chorus Hyosu Kim
4 losing fight
Arranged by Xion Yang
Drum Sanghoon Lee / Bass Byeongcheol Ahn / Guitar Pilseon Hong / Piano Jihoon Choi
violins Park Seung-gyeong Joo Young-hae / viola Hong Ji-hee / cello Jeong Hye-rim
Programming Yang Si-on
Chorus Hyosu Kim
5 Naked
Arranged by KISSMAKER
Guitar Pilseon Hong / Piano Jihoon Choi / cello Hyerim Jung
Chorus Hyosu Kim
6 to the boy
Arranged by Xion Yang
Drum Sanghoon Lee/ Guitar Pilseon Hong/ Piano Jihun Choi
Bass & Programming Yang Si-on
violins Park Seung-gyeong Joo Young-hae / viola Hong Ji-hee / cello Jeong Hye-rim
Chorus Hyosu Kim
Recording studio CSmusic&
Recording engineer Kyungho Lee @ CSmusic&
Recording studio Music Paradiso
Recording engineer Cho Eun-joo @ Music Paradiso
Mixed by Seongjun Hong @Gaenari Sound
Assisted by Kwangmin Kim, Jihyun Kim
Mastering by Hyoyoung Choi @SUONO mastering
Executive Producer Seungnam Lee
Producer Shim Kyu-seon
Designer Hwang Ji-eun, Lee Eun-seon @Play Company
Photograph & Video 10bit
Hair & Make-up artist Jihye Han
Description (Original):
눈물이 녹아서 밖으로 흐르면, 그것은 차라리 좋은 것이다.그런데 그러지 못하고 안으로만 흘러 고이는 눈물도 있다.
<소년에게>의 가사처럼 우리는 '우는 법을 알기도 전에 참는 법부터 배웠'기 때문이다.
줄곧 내밀한 슬픔의 통로가 되는 노래를 하려고 했다. 노래가 물길을 틔워주기만 하면 아무리 '오래 억눌러온 그것'이라 해도 '제방을 넘어 범람'하곤 하였다.
그래서 내 노래는 자주 젖어있었다. 쉬운 방법을 몰라 고단했지만 나는 적어도 가치 있고자 했다. 혹독하여도 의미가 있었고 지난 모든 음반을 통해 기꺼이 했다. 그렇게 매년, 8년이 지났다.
그동안 내가 이룬 것은 많지 않으나 당신과 나 사이에 이토록 분명한 연대가 쌓아올려진 것이 놀랍다. 우리가 노래를 사이에 두고 그토록 서로를 선명하게 느낄 수 있음이 놀랍다. 그래서 쓰고 또 계속 불렀다. ‘만신창이처럼 비틀대도’ 당신의 앞에 다다르기를, 당신의 ‘안’을 계속 두드리길 바라면서.
<몸과 마음>을 작업하면서 그 어느 때보다도 더 많이 치유를 생각했다.
치유-함과 치유-받음 중 어느 한 쪽을 고르라면 누구라도 당연히 후자를 택하겠지만, 오랫동안 이 일에 살아오면서 그 둘이 완전히 같은 것임을 깨달았다.
나의 노래들과 오랜 시간 함께 해준 당신에 대해 생각한다.
당신은 다정하게도 나를 향해, ‘노래해줘서 고맙다’ 고 말해 주곤 했다. 그 말의 온기로 몇 번이나 진창에서 걸어 나왔다. 하지만 그 다정함에 오래 부끄러워도 했다. 어떻게 설명할 수 있을까, 당신을 향해 노래들을 외쳐 부르면서 당신 이상으로 내가 더 많은 눈물을 쏟았고, 오히려 더 많은 위로를 받았다는 것을. 이해할 수 없는 방법으로 우리가 서로를 참 오래 안아 주었음을 말이다.
이제 고였던 눈물을 쏟아낸 자리에 무엇을 채워야 할까.
우리는 빈 가슴으로는 살아갈 수 없고 반드시 열망할 것을 찾아야만 한다. 매일 다른 쪽을 향해 서로 멀어지는 몸과 마음이 하나가 되게끔 하는 것은 그리 많지 않다.
나는 당신이 이 나른한 봄밤에, 열기에 들뜰 만큼 누군가를 깊이 사랑하는 장면을 꿈꾼다.
‘구름 위를 부유하며 중력을 잃은 채’ ‘두 발을 땅 위에 디디고 서기도 힘들’ 정도로 가벼워진 마음으로 말이다. 당장 눈앞에 사랑할 사람이 없다면, 적어도 그 마음만은 활짝 피어 있을 수 있도록. ‘바로 이게 사랑’이라고 느끼는 순간이 왔을 때, 적어도 머뭇거리지는 않을 수 있도록. 괴로워하는 연인에게 용기를 불어넣고, ‘행복해지기 위해서 그렇게 많은 것이 필요하지 않’다고 말할 수 있는 당신을, 온 힘으로 그렸다. 그러자 내 몸과 마음도 충만했다.
몸과 마음이란 의심할 여지없이 나 자신을 이루는 것들이지만, 둘 중 어느 것도 진정한 의미의 나 자신일 리 없음에 착안하였다. 이 음반의 제목은 <몸과 마음>이지만 사실은 그 사이의 어떤 것에 대해 말하고 또 드러내고 싶은 것이다. 명백히 존재하지만 이름 붙여진 적 없고, 누구나 알고 있지만 설명할 수 없는 것. 심장 박동이 아니라 그 ‘박동 소리’ 안에 존재하는 것. 내 노래 안에도 그 무엇이, 미약하게나마 깃들었기를 바란다.
나는 종종 생각한다. 나의 노래와 당신이 ‘화살처럼 서로를 향해 쏘아진 채 겨우 여기 다다랐다’ 고. 나는 모든 사람들에게 내 노래가 들려지길 꿈꾸진 않는다. 필요한 당신에게 온전히 가닿기를. 필요한 순간에 온전히 쓰이기를. 내가 바라는 것은 그것이고, 그것으로 나에게 이미 충분하다.
All Composed & Lyric by 심규선
1 Soulmate
Arranged by 양시온
Drum 이상훈 / Bass 안병철 / Guitar 홍필선/ Piano 최지훈
Chorus 김효수
2 너의 꽃말
Arranged by 양시온
Drum 이상훈 / Bass 안병철 / Guitar 홍필선/ Piano 최지훈
violins 박승경 주영해 / viola 홍지희 / cello 정혜림
Organ 최지훈
Chorus 김효수
3 안
Arranged by KISSMAKER
Piano 최지훈
Chorus 김효수
4 지는 싸움
Arranged by 양시온
Drum 이상훈 / Bass 안병철 / Guitar 홍필선/ Piano 최지훈
violins 박승경 주영해 / viola 홍지희 / cello 정혜림
Programing 양시온
Chorus 김효수
5 Naked
Arranged by KISSMAKER
Guitar 홍필선 / Piano 최지훈 / cello 정혜림
Chorus 김효수
6 소년에게
Arranged by 양시온
Drum 이상훈/ Guitar 홍필선/ Piano 최지훈
Bass & Programing 양시온
violins 박승경 주영해 / viola 홍지희 / cello 정혜림
Chorus 김효수
Recording studio CSmusic&
Recording engineer 이경호 @ CSmusic&
Recording studio Music Paradiso
Recording engineer 조은주 @ Music Paradiso
Mixed by 홍성준 @개나리싸운드
Assisted by 김광민, 김지현
Mastering by 최효영 @SUONO mastering
Executive Producer 이승남
Producer 심규선
Designer 황지은, 이은선 @Play Company
Photograph & Video 10bit
Hair & Make-up artist 한지혜
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
- Worldwide Standard: Korea Post (K-packet)
- US Standard: USPS (forwarded by ECMS)
- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
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Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
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