Release Date: January 18, 2017
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Track List
01. Intro : Trust
02. Justice For Them [feat. 노대건 of Bursters]
03. 無題(noname part 2.)[feat. 허균 by Hash]
04. Run(vocals by Byun Sunghwan)
05. Justice For Them (instrumental)
06. 無題(noname part 2.)(instrumental)
07. Run(instrumental)
Description (Translated):
After a time of pain and breaking a long hiatus, Broken Valentine's mini-album 'Project. Nabla'. Their pain, despair, frustration, and agony during that time, their will and hope that helped them overcome them, and this album contains a message of faith and promise for the next Broken Valentine. It will be an album that contains Broken Valentine's sincerity for the fans who gave and suffered with them, and it will be an album that proves the confidence and trust of Broken Valentine themselves for the future Broken Valentine. This 'Project. Nabla', with Noh Dae-geon, the vocalist of the band Busters (former Buster Lead), who became a hot topic after rising from superstar K6 to Top 6, and recent MBC Nanjang Festival, Nanjang regular broadcast, and Nanjang Bob Dylan special feature, vigorous activities such as successive appearances and Heo Gyun, the vocalist of the talented band Hash, whose skills are recognized through word of mouth, participate as a featuring. The collaboration between Broken Valentine and two talented vocalists, who also showed good teamwork with Broken Valentine on the stage of the last riot festival 'Van Tribute', is the result of this 'Project. Nabla' will create great chemistry. Broken Valentine, who has constantly expanded their musical spectrum with each album, always capturing both masculine intensity and warm sensibility at the same time, shows more advanced sounds and songs in this album without fail. It tells you that you are going. In addition, for the first time in Broken Valentine's album, the Instrumental track has been officially included, so you can feel their solid performance and sound, which are already recognized by many people, and you can feel Broken Valentine's unique dynamic, structured, and detailed arrangement and performance more closely. It will provide you with fun and excitement. This 'Project' is the first official activity of Broken Valentine, who lost his vocalist in an unfortunate accident in 2015, and will receive a lot of attention not only from fans but also from domestic rock enthusiasts as it is the first official album release in 4 years. Nabla' will be a full and rich album that will live up to the wait and expectations.1. Intro: Trust (composed by Jihwan aka Byun G)
The intro track that announces the beginning of the album. The simplest performances of each instrument are added one by one, finally forming an inverted triangle, inferred from the album's title. From the gradual construction to the exploding climax, the most broken Valentine-like intro track.
2. Justice for them (feat. Roh Dae Kun of Bursters) (composed and written by Jihwan aka Byun G.)
A heavy number that connects the heavyness numbers of Broken Valentine that have been shown so far, or leaps beyond that. Aggressive lyrics containing the double meaning of 'justice only for them' and 'justice to be given to them', and the performance and sound of each instrument with more tense breathing and power than in previous albums. Lastly, the straight yet melodic voice of 'Noh Dae-gun', the vocalist of the band 'Busters', reaches the climax.
3. 無題(noname part. 2) (feat. Heo Gyun of Hash) (composed and written by Jihwan aka Byun G.)
A song filled with the emotions of a more mature Broken Valentine. The most accurate description of this song would be to say that the performance, melody, and even the lyrics are singing. A ballad number that showcases the vocalist Heo Gyun of the talented band 'Hash'. It is a great song with a running time of 6 minutes and 20 seconds, which goes one step beyond their ballad numbers represented by Aluminum and Noname. For long-time fans of Broken Valentine, the subtitle with the name noname will draw attention, but the message and emotions contained in this song are far more extensive than it is to evaluate based on its resemblance to noname.
4. Run (vocals by Byun Sunghwan) (composed and written by Byun Sunghwan. re-arranged by Jihwan aka Byun G & Byun Sunghwan.)
It was released 12 years ago in 2005, when B.August, the predecessor of Broken Valentine, was released, but it was a song that had not been heard for a long time as he was trying to establish his musical identity as Broken Valentine. This song, which started with the beginning of Broken Valentine, has been reborn as a heavy yet popular major alternative number with the energy of Broken Valentine, which is characterized by its magnificent sound and dynamic composition and development. It is a track where you can feel their musical growth and footsteps over the past 12 years, and this 'Project. The last song that concludes the message contained in 'Nabla'. In the previous work, the song was released in the voice of the deceased class, but in this album, the song's lyricist, composer and bassist Byun Seong-hwan's voice captures the emotions of the original author. It is a track with many meanings to their long-time fans and Broken Valentine, and a song with a deep message.
Produced by Broken Valentine.
All songs composed and written by Jihwan aka Byun G.
(except track #4, #7 composed and written by Byun Sunghwan.)
All songs arranged and performed by Broken Valentine.
(except track #2 vocal by Roh Dae Kun of Bursters, track #3 vocal by Heo Gyun of Hash.)
All songs recorded, mixed, mastered by Hwang Kyung Soo @ Sonicboom Studio.
(except track #2 Vocal recorded by Hong Yong Chul @ Evermore Studios.)
Photo by Jeong Jae Hoon.
Designed by Ah Ra Ko.
Broken Valentine.
Lee Seongsan aka Koopa (Drums), Jihwan aka Byun G (Guitar), Byun Sunghwan (Bass).
Description (Original):
아픔의 시간을 지나 오랜 공백을 깨고 브로큰 발렌타인이 미니앨범 ‘Project. Nabla'를 발표한다. 그 시간 동안의 그들의 아픔, 절망, 좌절, 고뇌, 그리고 그것들을 이겨 낼 수 있게 해 준 그들의 의지와 희망, 그리고 다음 브로큰 발렌타인에 대한 믿음과 약속의 메시지가 담겨 있는 이번 앨범은, 그동안 그들을 믿고 응원해 주고 아픔을 함께해 준 팬들을 위한 브로큰 발렌타인의 진심이 담긴 앨범이자, 앞으로의 브로큰 발렌타인에 대한, 브로큰 발렌타인 스스로의 확신과 믿음, 그리고 그것을 증명하는 앨범이 될 것이다. 이번 ‘Project. Nabla'에는 슈퍼스타 K6에서 Top 6 까지 오르며 화제가 되었던 밴드 버스터즈(전, 버스터리드)의 보컬 노대건과, 최근 MBC 난장 페스티벌, 난장 정규방송, 난장 밥 딜런 특집에 연이어 출연하는 등, 왕성한 활동과 입소문을 통해 그 실력을 인정 받고 있는 실력파 밴드 해쉬의 보컬 허균이 피쳐링으로 참여한다. 지난 난장 페스티벌 ‘반 트리뷰트’ 무대에서도 브로큰 발렌타인과 좋은 호흡을 보여주기도 했던 브로큰 발렌타인과 두 실력파 보컬과의 컬라보레이션은 이번 ‘Project. Nabla'를 통해 훌륭한 케미스트리를 만들어 낼 것이다. 항상 남성적인 강렬함과 따뜻한 감성을 동시에 담아내며 매 음반마다 끊임없이 그들의 음악적 스펙트럼을 넓혀 온 브로큰 발렌타인은, 이번 앨범에서도 어김없이 한층 더 진보된 사운드와 곡을 선보이며, 아직 그들이 건재하다는 것과 계속 진보하며 앞으로 나아간다는 것을 여지없이 들려주고 있다. 또한, 그동안 브로큰 발렌타인 앨범 중 처음으로 Instrumental 트랙이 정식 수록되어 이미 많은 이들에게 인정받고 있는 그들의 탄탄한 연주와 사운드를 느낄 수 있으며, 브로큰 발렌타인 특유의 다이나믹하면서도 짜임새 있고 디테일한 편곡과 연주를 한층 더 가깝게 느낄 수 있는 재미와 감동을 선사할 것이다. 2015년 불의의 사고로 보컬을 잃은 브로큰 발렌타인의 첫 공식적인 활동이자, 4년 만의 정식 앨범 발매로 팬뿐만 아니라 국내 록 매니아들의 많은 관심을 받게 될 이번 ‘Project. Nabla'는, 그 기다림과 기대에 부응할 만한 꽉 차고 풍성한 앨범이 될 것이다.1. Intro : Trust (composed by Jihwan a.k.a Byun G)
앨범의 시작을 알리는 인트로 트랙. 각 악기들의 가장 단순한 연주들이 차례로 하나씩 더해지고, 마침내 앨범의 타이틀 명에서도 유추되는 역삼각형을 구성한다. 점차적인 구성에서 폭발하는 클라이막스까지 가장 브로큰 발렌타인 다운 인트로 트랙.
2. Justice for them (feat. Roh Dae Kun of Bursters) (composed and written by Jihwan a.k.a Byun G.)
그동안 보여줬던 브로큰 발렌타인의 헤비니스 넘버들을 잇는, 아니 그 이상으로 도약하는 헤비 넘버. '그들만을 위한 정의'와 '그들에게 내려져야 할 정의'의 이중적인 의미를 담고 있는 공격적인 가사와 예전 앨범들 그 이상의 긴박한 호흡과 파워가 담긴 각 악기들의 연주와 사운드. 마지막으로 밴드 '버스터즈'의 보컬 '노대건'의 스트레이트 하면서도 멜로딕한 목소리가 화룡점정을 이룬다.
3. 無題(noname part. 2) (feat. Heo Gyun of Hash) (composed and written by Jihwan a.k.a Byun G.)
한층 더 성숙해진 브로큰 발렌타인의 정서가 가득 담긴 곡. 연주와 멜로디, 그리고 가사마저도 노래를 하고 있다고 하는게 이 곡에 대한 가장 정확한 설명일 듯. 실력파 밴드 '해쉬'의 보컬리스트 '허균'의 가창력이 빛을 발하는 발라드 넘버. 알루미늄, Noname 등으로 대표되는 그들의 발라드 넘버를 또 한 단계 넘어서는 러닝타임 6분 20초에 달하는 대곡이며 방대한 러닝타임이 오히려 짧게 느껴질 정도로 깊은 정서와 짜임새 있는 전개, 그리고 큰 울림과 감동을 담고 있다. 브로큰 발렌타인의 오랜 팬 들이라면 noname이라는 이름이 담긴 부제에 눈길이 갈 곡이지만, noname과의 닮은꼴만으로 평가하기엔 이 곡이 담고 있는 메시지와 감정이 훨씬 더 방대하다.
4. Run(vocals by Byun Sunghwan) (composed and written by Byun Sunghwan. re-arranged by Jihwan a.k.a Byun G & Byun Sunghwan.)
12년 전인 2005년, 브로큰 발렌타인의 전신인 B.August 시절 발표한 곡이었으나, 브로큰 발렌타인으로서 음악적 정체성을 잡아가면서 오랜 기간 동안 들을 수 없었던 곡. 브로큰 발렌타인의 시작과 함께한 이 곡을 웅장한 사운드와 다이나믹한 구성과 전개가 특징인 브로큰 발렌타인만의 에너지를 담아 헤비하면서도 파퓰러한 메이저 얼터너티브 넘버로 확실하게 재탄생 시켰다. 지난 12년간의 그들의 음악적인 성장과 발자취를 고스란히 느낄 수 있는 트랙이면서 이번 ‘Project. Nabla’에 담긴 메시지를 귀결시키는 마지막 곡. 전작에서는 세상을 떠난 고 반의 목소리로 발표된 곡이나, 이번 앨범에서는 이 곡의 작사, 작곡자이자 베이시스트인 변성환의 목소리로 원작자로서의 정서를 진하게 담아내고 있다. 그들의 오랜 팬들과 브로큰 발렌타인에게는 여러 가지로 의미 있는 트랙이자, 깊은 메시지가 담긴 곡이다.
Produced by Broken Valentine.
All songs composed and written by Jihwan a.k.a Byun G.
(except track #4, #7 composed and written by Byun Sunghwan.)
All songs arranged and performed by Broken Valentine.
(except track #2 vocal by Roh Dae Kun of Bursters, track #3 vocal by Heo Gyun of Hash.)
All songs recorded, mixed, mastered by Hwang Kyung Soo @ Sonicboom Studio.
(except track #2 Vocal recorded by Hong Yong Chul @ Evermore Studios.)
Photo by Jeong Jae Hoon.
Designed by Ah Ra Ko.
Broken Valentine.
Lee Seongsan a.k.a Koopa (Drums), Jihwan a.k.a Byun G (Guitar), Byun Sunghwan (Bass).
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
- Worldwide Standard: Korea Post (K-packet)
- US Standard: USPS (forwarded by ECMS)
- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
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Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
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